ИКЕМ - Индустриален клъстер "Електромобили" | Четвъртък, 27.03.2025 |

Български  English

Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles

Focus Group on European Electro-Mobility
Plenary Meeting, 8 September 2011 CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre 

Link to Smart Grids Co-ordination Group
The liaison rapporteur, Claus Andersen, presented the discussions so far held within the Smart Grids Co-ordination Group (documents N138 & N139). It was noted that the reference to a "first set of standards" for eMobility co-ordination referred to the establishment of a list (by May 2012) of the first set, rather than the end-result, although it was noted that before end-May many of the items would already be under development.    

It was proposed there be an ad hoc Group on smart charging issues, based on the current report, and concerning how this issue should be handled in detail. The Focus Group participants could consider the ToR for this, and then (depending on the timeframe) the results fed into the new Co-ordination Group as well as into the Smart Grids Co-ordination Group.     

Action 12/04: Chairman, Mr Andersen and CCMC to propose ToR for an ad hoc Group on smart charging issues and circulate them to the Focus Group participants list for comment and approval.

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