This document gives a short overview of the interesting opportunities the Netherlands has to offer for producers and distributors of electric vehicles and related business like for example charging stations.
It includes facts on the characteristics of the Dutch market, geography and infrastructure, as well as information on the ambitious government plans on Electric Mobility for – and with – the industry such as the development of the infrastructure, tax facilities and sector clustering.
Additionally, this document also contains an overview of companies and research institutes in the Netherlands that are active in the field of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, its components and technologies.
The Dutch market offers opportunities for different types of companies in the field of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The Netherlands is a densed populated country. There are a lot of cities concentrated on a relatively small piece of land so distances between them are short. The Netherlands has a superior logistics infrastructure: the Port of Rotterdam (the world’s third largest seaport), Schiphol Airport, and excellent connections with its neighboring countries. These factors not only make the Netherlands an ideal testing ground for EVs, but a prime distribution hub for the European market.
Dutch consumers are open to new products. That’s why many international companies use the Netherlands as a testing ground before a general introduction in Europe. Moreover, there is a relatively high rate of consumer acceptance towards clean vehicles. The existing knowledge on navigation and traffic management is also an important attribute for developing an EV market in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is also an excellent location for companies in the EV field, due to the existence of excellent knowledge institutes such as the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and TNO Automotive. These institutes have a great deal of knowledge about EVs and related
technologies, such as mobility and environmental technology. The Dutch automotive industry consists of tiers of high-quality and innovative products. The companies and knowledge institutes work closely together. The Dutch government strongly supports the development of cooperation, electric mobility and has established the public-private ‘Formula E-team’ to spur the development and use of EVs. Additionally, national and local governments have plans for – or are already working on – the development of the necessary infrastructure for electric transport.
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