ИКЕМ - Индустриален клъстер "Електромобили" | Неделя, 23.02.2025 |

Български  English

The German Standardization Rodmap

1.      Executive summary

For Germany to improve on its competitive edge in the international electromobility market, and to ensure that the development and added value of this technology remains in this country, a major focus must be placed on furthering and bundling these developments, and the interests behind them, at an early stage. If German industry is to position itself successfully, it is essential that the positive effects of standardization be incorporated into the development process right from the start so that they can be fully exploited.

Standardization in the field of electromobility is characterized by several features distinguishing it from previous standardization processes. Here, the challenge lies in coordinating and integrating diverse activities in different sectors in order to effectively meet demands. Electromobility is a breakthrough innovation that requires a new, cross-sectoral systems thinking. Up to now, standards in the electrical engineering/energy technology and automotive technology domains have been viewed as separate entities. So far there has been little attempt to view them in an integrated manner, although this would be an important approach, particularly because these domains are merging, resulting in new points of contact and interfaces.

This Standardization Roadmap reflects the general agreement among all actors in the electromobility sector – including automobile manufacturers, the electrical industry, energy supplies/grid operators, technical associations and public authorities – that a strategic approach to standardization of electromobility is needed. References to the relevant regulations are given in the Report of the “Vorschriftenentwicklung” (Regulatory developments) team of Working Group 4.

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