ИКЕМ - Индустриален клъстер "Електромобили" | Четвъртък, 27.03.2025 |

Български  English

Global Market Analysis of Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Plug in Hybrids
• The global market for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(PHEVs) is estimated to be 130,000 vehicles by 2015.

• North America (NA) is expected to hold a strong market
for PHEVs with estimated volumes of 101,000 by 2015.
Europe will also witness the introduction of plug-in hybrids
by 2012 with reduction of costs but with less numbers.
Japan is likely to lag behind since Japanese market is
more inclined towards Fuel Cell Vehicles rather than

• General Motors (GM), Toyota, Ford and Daimler Chrysler
are likely to be the key players in Plug in Hybrid Market.
GM likely to lead the global market for plug in hybrids with
a market share of over 50 percent for plug in hybrids by

Market Breakdown by Region
• North America perceives a better market to Plug in technology with
a share of 77 percent to a very low 9 and 14 percent for Japan and
Europe respectively.

• North America has better up take rates towards hybrids as
witnessed from the past. The popularity and initiatives towards
PHEVs is much bigger when compared to other regions.

• Frost & Sullivan estimates PHEV’s to be introduced in NA by 2010
with GM leading the way. The trend in NA is likely to be monitored
and accessed before introducing it in Europe and Japan.

• Europe is likely to lag behind NA by at least 4 years in terms of
PHEV introduction due to a low perception of hybrid electric

• The Plug in technology has been powered and funded by various
Environmental bodies, state and local governments, utility
organisations and business groups.

• Together the environmental advocates have pressurised the VM’s
to commercialise the technology and the repercussions were felt
when three automakers GM, Toyota and Ford announced PHEV
developments in the last one year.

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